Lotto 21 - Franz Joseph I (1848-1916) Austria, Austro Hungarian ...

Franz Joseph I (1848-1916) Austria, Austro Hungarian Empire. Franz Joseph Order, Gran Cross, Award document for the italian General-major ... Leggi tutto
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Franz Joseph I (1848-1916)
Austria, Austro Hungarian Empire. Franz Joseph Order, Gran Cross, Award document for the italian General-major and commandant o.t. BERGAMO BRIGADE Giuseppe Prudente, awarded in 1902. Born 1848 in Savona, Modena military academy, second lieutenant in 1866, captain in 1878, major in the infantry in 1887. Lieutenant colonel in 1890 in the 19th infantry. major general and commander of the Bergamo brigade in 1900, in the command of the general staff in 1907.
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